Monday, February 21, 2011


We baked bread. and waited.

we took naps.... and waited.

                   We killed time.... and waited                                        
then we headed to the place...

where these guys stood and saluted them

and with anticipation

stood with our banners

in the rain.... waiting


or maybe a bit impatiently

and then they arrived

and we found

amidst the crowd

our Marine


with us again

so we packed him up....

and brought him home

Monday, February 14, 2011

 We love Him because He 1st loved us
1 John 4:19
 and I am so thankful to be loved today
because knowing that eases the missing the one we love.
Happy Valentine's Day

Celebrate with the one you love and Rejoice over the One that adores you

Friday, February 11, 2011

This morning...

I woke up and realized its Friday...

this week we have mopped floors a little bit extra,
     stopped at Seaworld...
            finished up weekly lessons....

and realized.

by this time next week
               we won't be doing it alone.

and while I still don't have *dates*

  and I most certainly don't ask for a flight plan

    it is soon.

     I think.

and once he is home.


         the deployment will be over.