Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lessons in the great flood.

So I taught children's church this morning and as I did I really had to think about Noah.

To be counted the ONLY righteous man.

To watch everyone reject God.

To obediently build an ark in the middle of the desert.

His faithfulness & character was what protected him... and yet we often don't talk about what he went through.

Like what it must have been like to watch everyone die fr the rising waters and be completely helpless to help them.

Or to build a boat from the ground up without so much as a drawing ... or email... or you tube video.

Or just the idea of impending rain ... in the middle of the desert... and obediently
building a boat... because God said so.

And it's really made me think.

Would God find me faithful enough.
Righteous enough.
Honest enough.
Obedient enough.

Breakfast: Photo a 3

We were off bright & early to the Palm Springs Air Museum for the First Lego League's Robot competition.. so there was no time for breakfast ( for me anyway) so my breakfast was this bottle off soda. 
real healthy. 
I know

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2 Photo challenge: color

 in the desert
 in the mountains
at the harbor
(my favorite)

Thursday, November 1, 2012


November photo a day.
Today's assignment.
Something that begins with 'c'