Monday, August 11, 2008

We're pregnant again

So for those of you that don't yet know. We are expecting another little one in Spring 09! He or she was set to arrive early in the month of March, but we found out today, that the actual due date will be more like the 30th of March.


For those of you that Might have lost count, this little one will be our 6th!

Anyhow- We had a terrific weekend camping (an yes I should have already posted pictures...) but I was a smart one and left our camera out at our friends house. So as soon as I get the camera back I will work on posting some pictures!!!! I will try to have some up by the weekend.

At church on Sunday we talked about ..having 3 minutes. What would you say to someone if you just had 3 minutes. Would you share the Gospel with them, would you dare? Would you take the chance to see if they knew Jesus, or would you let that opportunity slip away? Would you stay safe and talk about the weather, politics, clothes.... would you pray.....whatever....
how about you? If you only ever had 3 minutes with the next person you talk to, what would YOU say?


1 comment:

Missy said...

Wow thats wonderful.
If I can take a vote I would like a nother girl.