I am sad. Last month a beautiful young woman took her last breath on this earth & came face to face with Jesus. Her name was Cassie. Gone , what many would say, too soon. She was in the 1st youth group God gave us.
Tonight, another former youth group member too his last breath. Bobby, once again so very young. His mom died 2 years ago. & he has fought leukemia for the past year. His little sister isn't so little anymore but she is like one of my own kidlets. There are no right words.
2 very different goodbyes barely a month apart.
A harsh reminder at just how precious life is. Every. Single. Day. A GIFT.
And at the end of the night as I was turning off lights & shutting off moms tv an episode of *Not a fan* comes on TBN.
I sat there a complete mess.
See what you may not know is how deeply I have struggled this past year. Not all my children have chosen to follow Jesus and sometimes I struggle with it. What I saw very plainly tonight was that whether my own childen choose to follow Jesus, or not....MY life and if I choose to follow Jesus with everything I have affects SO many others. And I had to come face to face with the very real reality that will I continue to follow Jesus even if my kidlets choose not to...
Yes. Because I am a follower. I am not just a fan of Jesus.
In the episode tonight they said "confessing Jesus as our Lord isn't something we say with our lips, it's something we do with our life"
What about you? Are you a fan? Or a follower?
Not sure?
Then PLEASE take a moment and visit www.notafan.com and decide.
Thank you for writing. I am a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. In these dark days I pray that all of us will hasten to the throne while there is time.
RETA@ http://evenhaazer.blogspot.com
Awesome to see there's still some people who believe in an Abyss o'Misery ...and in the Great Beyond. Yes, I am, too. A hardcore, no BS, faithFULL follower of Jesus. God bless you. Meet me Upstairs.
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