Tuesday, December 2, 2008

facebook neglect and sunrise in the desert

OK honesty time, I have been neglecting my blog because I have been busy playing on facebook ( a few too many hours a day I might add).... so neglect has set in- and in an effort to clean away the cobwebs I thought a new post would be in order.

I woke up early this morning and saw this beautiful sunrise outside my window- It was so very pretty I stepped outside into the cool crisp air to snap a quick photo- ya know, right before my toes froze and I ran back in the house, didn't stop for the coffee I should have to get me going, and snuggled back in right next to the cute toddler snoring away....

Then as I caught up on the blogs I read I found this post with a super fabulous giveaway. All you have to do to enter is donate $10 (per ticket) to a terrific cause! This giveaway ends Dec. 14th and Mckmama assures you she will get it to you by Christmas!

It's the time of year where friends & fellow bloggers "elf themselves"
crazy but true. I couldn't figure out how to do it last year.... maybe I will try again as the holiday draws near... or not?

Then this evening, I quickly snapped this shot ( a blogger must always have a camera ready I am learning) the big sis was washing dishes and the little sis wanted to really help. And although the little sis washed more of herself than any dish the desire is there to be like her big sis... and what a great big sis she is!
<>< jennifer

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