SO, hello out there... as usual we are - have been - busy busy busy. My photos won't upload here but I have been posting them on Facebook.
We have been studying the attributes of God the past few weeks, learning words like eternal, Holy, Sovereign, Omnipresent, Omnipotant, Omniscient, Immutable, Just and Loving and what exactly that means in relation to God's Attributes. We have been busy memorizing scripture, learning about clay, making some fun (and some interesting) forms of clay- some have been edible while others...well not so much.
We have learned about china and pottery and written two papers so far (not bad for only 2 weeks into the school year), this week we are studying StAUgustine, his life and his work and whether or not his life was an honor to God...
We have been to the beach (a few times), visited with friends, celebrated a 15 yr anniversary, prayerfully are considering finding a different church home, talked to parents back on the east coast, spent a day in Balboa Park visiting the Natural History Museum, and spent some extra time on fetal monitors in the hospital because the mama isnt handling stress as well as she would like this time around...
Homeschooling is going...
life is happening...
dinner menus are planned and eaten...
a trip to the desert is in the works....
life is busy. but good.
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