One night... not very long ago I saw my very first legit shooting star. And I remember thinking how amazing it was. But even more amazing was that when i
I posted that as my facebook status... that only my desert friends... over 100 miles east.... posted that they had seen it too.
I remember thinking that out of all my facebook friends it struck me as odd that only my desert friends replied.
In the midst of still wondering if that is where we belong... it seemed where we fit the best.
But now that we are here thoughts of doubt & uncertainty flood my heart almost daily. My heart longs for the salty ocean breezes and beauty in the big blue. I am struggling. And I want to obediently submit & find happiness and not wish for what can no longer be.
& the thing is..... God has given me cherished homeschool friends for my family, pointed us to a church, and given us this home, as well as a community filled with good friendships. So why do I feel so alone? What am I missing?
Oceanside was my Camelot. A part of me could have remained forever... but in so many ways we didn't quite 'fit' there either. Maybe we just don't fit anywhere.... or maybe we have lived this military lifestyle too long to be normal. Since my hubby retires very soon from the military maybe it's just fear... or the unknown... or a complex combination of them.
Pray for us as we figure out where we belong out here....& that God can put the pieces of our hearts back together
1 comment:
Awesome we have seen a few and they are cool!
My wife (Annette) has started another blog page where she likes to do, book reviews, tid bits of family insight, pictures she sees and snaps that make her and maybe even you smile and lastly she loves to do giveaways as her sweet heart loves to bless and encourage others.
Thank you (Annettes husband)Rodney
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