Monday, March 23, 2009

Please pray for baby Stellan

There are several blogs I faithfully read.
Stellan's miracle story has been one of them this year.
But right now this little guy is in trouble.
Please hit your knees with me and commit to pray for him!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

the part 2: I promised!

At church Sunday afternoon I was reminded by a friend how very little I have to do with all of this, its all about giving God the glory!

so, Friday morning N. looks up and says " hey, that's the Thoroughbred on craigslist I was telling you about! I am sure of it!"

I said. yep it is.

and they went over and met Sensational Guy who was, of course, sensational!

and they loved him. N. says "if you have him by next Friday I will take him."

Saturday night they called to let me know if I will hold him, he will go home with them too.


This Friday 1/2 of my herd will still be together with visiting privileges for our family!


my arena might just be sold as well! We have a serious buyer coming out tomorrow.

God is so Good.

Its like our lives are a puzzle and the master puzzle maker is fitting each individual puzzle piece together. It's just so much easier to see now.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Evidence of God's fingerprints...

I have been wondering for the past few days how to tell this story...

The horses began leaving this week. Sugar, our welsh pony left thursday with my girlfriend jana and while I have complete peace with where she went and know I will see her soon and again and again tears still flowed down my cheeks. After she left I just needed a change of scenery. The hurt was so fresh, I couldn't think straight so I headed to town to our local feed store to get a bale of alfalfa as a treat for the remaining horses.

So I walk into our local feed store and start talking to the guys that work there and tell them about my 28 yr old mare Rio- who most people but me - only see as an extra feed bill in this economy and there stands a woman waiting to place a delivery order and we start talking. She says..."I have a friend that would LOVE her... I will call you tonight."

no call Thursday night.

I spent much of the night tossing and turning as my much loved almost 4 yr old gelding was being moved the next morning, but as I was standing there waiting for his trailer to arrive I got a phone call from the lady that I had met at the feed store. "My friend really wants to me Rio, are you busy?"

so I go out and groom both Rocky and Rio between gasping sobs, knowing it may be the very last time I see him - although the new owners graciously tell me to come visit him ANY time.... ok pull yourself together.... they'll be here soon.

and they are. Thankfully the sobbing was over, and I was more composed. I cried hot tears but somehow it was OK. The man and the wife we sold him to truly love him. I am excited for them both and God placed a peace in my heart....

so now I am waiting again.

Waiting for the woman to come and meet Rio. At about 10:30 they arrive and N. falls in love with Rio. Just like the way I love Rio. And then we talk... and N. says " well I need to check with the stable, we have a new horse coming in.... his stall is all set up, I think they said his name was Rocky...."

I am breathless.

I said..."Did you just say Rocky?"

N. "yes"

I said "that's my horse, the one I told you she would miss because Rio looks at him almost like he is her baby"

They came back and got my Rio gal Friday night. The two were never seperated, but for a few hours that day.

There is even more to this story but the tears are hard to see through, so that will have to be a part 2

I promise soon.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't get between THIS girl and her Ben & Jerry's

It's no secret that this baby girl LOVES ice cream
but recently she discovered something new...

ok so 'little gus' had her first taste of Ben & Jerry's with her daddy
a week or so ago and she completely stole it from him!
I know this one is fuzzy, but it was when she claimed the pint as her own....

and she's not sharing anymore!

She even got the idea, that with this pint,
she can eat what she wants and then cover it,
put it back in the freezer and save some for later!

what are we gonna do with her when there is a baskin robbins just around the corner???

Monday, March 9, 2009

We are Moving to Vista CA

On Saturday, we went down to North San Diego County to look for a place to live in the next month or so...and last week I had spoken with one property manager and quite honestly she was terrific! She made it super easy for us and once we met with her our search was over. SO we have a place to live. It all makes it feel so very real. It was SO beautiful down there Saturday! a balmy 65 degrees. After the business end of our day we headed down to Oceanside a mere 10 miles up the road and spent the afternoon on the beach. We ate at Longboarder's (yummy) and then went down to the ocean where all of our 5 children proceeded to take a dunk in the Pacific Ocean IN THEIR CLOTHES!!!! So then it was off to find them something to wear, drop over to the base for a bit and head home. It was a productive and eventful day.... I have a handful of photos from the beach that I need to get up soon!

today it's back to normal sorting out things we do not need to move and reducing our things. It is an incredibly long process , not to mention tiring! This week I think 2 of the horses actually leave the ranch which will be exceptionally hard on me. But God is good, and bigger than my hurt. I will be reminding myself to fall into my Father's arms during the difficult moments.

Still no decision on renaming the blog, although I do plan on changing our email in the near future as we won't be able to keep our satellite internet in an apartment building.... so. anyhoo.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do I need to rename the blog?

On a not so serious note....

if I dont have a ranch can my blog title remain Son Reigns ranch

your thoughts?

I think I would like to keep Son Reigns in the title.... but if I don't own a ranch anymore or anything that involves a ranch I just don't know. Share your ideas please!