Meet Sugar our little welsh pony. She is about 5 years old and a terrific mount. She is primarily Justyn's horse, but today Micah got to ride her too. She is a sweet girl and loves her apples, carrots and her best horse buddy Nikki! She is always curious and inquisitive and would probably follow you right in the house if you let her.

This is Joey. He is a beautiful (and he knows it!) white Arabian gelding. He is Arianna's ride (aka joeysgirl) He is a spirited boy at a young 26 years of age. He is a terrific horse and the top guy in our little herd. He loves to be pampered, brushed groomed and ridden. He is the ONLY horse I have ever met that will gladly slobber your face with green hay tasty kisses! Yes he will actually lick your face!He is definitely a handsome young lad (and the one who stole my daughters heart).

Did I mention he is a complete ham for the camera!

Meet Nikki and 25 year old caught from the wild BLM Mustang(years back of course)! He is such a sweetie - not to mention sweet on Sugar. He LOVES his coffee in the morning, anyway he can get it! He is a wonderful horse, and Joey's best buddy for many many years. Both he and Joey were given to us almost 2 years ago by some very good friends. We really couldn't imagine life out here without them! He can be quite a ham for the camera.... He couldn't decide which was his best side.

This is Rio Sizzlin', a former ribbon winning quarter horse barrel racer, but out here we just call he Rio and we SOOOOO love her (and even her marish-ness) She came to our ranch with Rocky 2 weeks after we arrived here. She is a young almost 27 yr old gal. She had a hard life and has a few scars from her glory days but she still loves to ride. She is slower than the rest of the crew but Micah and Hezekiah kind of prefer her that way. She still loves to be saddled and ridden though. More than that she loves her life of extra supplements, sweet feed, apples, carrots and brushings. This gal and I have shared lots of secrets. She is a treasure!
A younger Rio with a much younger Rocky

Meet Guy (aka Sensational Guy) - He too had a life before this ranch. Once upon a time this guy was a Thoroughbred racehorse who actually won a few $$ for his owners. He is 11 years young and has retired from racing to a more simple life out here on the ranch - he says there isn't enough for him to do out here! He is 17 hands high, our largest horse here, and when you are on top of his back you can see clear to the base from our house! (jk) He is a lot like Mr. Ed, full of animated movements, head shakes and a real entertainer! He is a terrific horse, although if you let him he will take you on a quarter mile run that will seem like he is not a retired horse at all!!!!!

Guy did decide he needed to get a real good sniff of the camera before he allowed any photos. I think he wanted me to contact his agent or something! He has been here almost 2 years. 
This is Rocky (aka mommy's "Rockstar") He is our baby (?mutt horse?- officially we have no idea what breed he is- although we are guessing probably a mustang quarter horse cross) at 3 and a half years old. And what a DOLL he is. He has the most beautiful velveteen muzzle of any horse I have ever known. He came to us when he was just 7 months old- with Rio, 2 weeks after we arrived back out here in the desert. He is such a sweet horse. We look forward to many many more years of adventure with this boy who is truly one in a million. He was originally bought for Arianna (before she was claimed by Joey) but I am honored to say he has chosen me as his person. Actually he loves everyone - and has only kicked Frank on rare occasion. He has really taught us the ropes of horse ownership.

Did I mention he was completely saddled for the very 1st time TODAY!!!! and he didn't even buck. nope not once!!!! He did something else very special today but you'll have to come back on Monday to find out!!!

Well, that's it. A tour of the horses God has blessed to our care. Hope you enjoyed meeting them.
1 comment:
My favorite thing in the world is to see how much people love their animals. I have 4 horses, 5 cats, and 2 dogs and i'd be lost without any of them. Your young one is very cute but im a huge sucker for ponies so sugar is my favorite.
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